Having a car is absolutely essential if you want to get around easily nowadays. For the most part, cars make our lives so much easier. As convenient as cars are, sometimes they do break down.
Have you ever been running late, only to climb into your car and realize that it won't start? Having a car that fails to turn over can definitely catch you off guard. The best thing you can do in a situation like this is figure out what the cause of the problem is. This post will explain a few of the reasons you may have trouble starting your car.
Broken Starter
One obvious reason your car might refuse to start is because of a broken starter. This problem can be a little hard to catch because broken starters often appear to be battery problems, even though they aren't. This happens when a starter tries to draw more current than your car's battery is able to supply.
If you've noticed that your car engine has been starting more and more slowly, it is likely that your starter is to blame. Another sign that your starter is dying is if your car fails to start one day, but starts perfectly fine the next time you hop into the car. If you've been having this problem, it's time to take your car to a professional.
Dead Battery
Another common reason your car might not be starting is a dead battery. Luckily, this isn't an incredibly expensive thing to fix. Sometimes, your battery might not even need to be replaced, just recharged.
The most sure fire way to figure out whether or not your car battery has died is to test the problem by trying to jump start your car. If jump starting works and your car is able to start, you probably need to get your battery looked at.
Faulty Fuel Pump
Even if you just filled up your car with gas, a faulty fuel pump can prohibit the gas from reaching your car's engine. Not sure whether or not your fuel filter is the culprit? Fuel filters need to be changed once every 10,000 miles or so. If you've driven more than that and haven't replaced your fuel pump, there's a good chance that that is why your car won't start.
Empty Tank
Did you know that an empty tank can actually prevent your car from starting? While driving around on empty might seem tempting if you don't want to pay for gas, this is definitely something you should avoid. If you're running on fumes, it's a good idea to get yourself to the nearest gas station so that you don't find yourself with a car that won't start.
Failing Fuses
If you've checked all of these things and still can't find what might be keeping your car from starting, you might want to check your fuses. Fuses are a very uncommon reason for a car to fail to turn over, but it is a possibility nonetheless.
As you can see, there are plenty of reasons your car might be failing to start. The reasons mentioned in this article are just a few common culprits, but it's highly possible that something else is causing your car to malfunction.
If your car has been having trouble starting, it's best to act fast rather than to ignore the problem. Overlooking car problems may seem tempting if your car works most of the time and only refuses to start once in a while, but this can actually lead to lasting damage. Next time your car is unable to start, contact the experts at Letcher Bros. Auto Repair to see how we can help.
Phone: 510-724-2335
Email: letcherbros@gmail.com
Address: 636 San Pablo Ave. Pinole, CA 94564