Your car runs smoothly, quietly, and efficiently because of the exhaust system that routes gases out of the engine and away from the vehicle. When the components that make up this system break down or fail to interact normally, you may experience everything from excessive noise and sluggish engine performance to severe engine damage.
You can recognize potential trouble and respond to it more quickly once you understand what goes into a vehicle's exhaust system, where it can fail, and how your automotive technician can fix it. Here are some important points to remember.
How Your Car's Exhaust System Works
Your car's exhaust system extends from the rear of the engine all the way to the last inch of the tailpipe. While most of its length consists of pipes, the system also contains several essential components, some of them highly sophisticated in nature, that help to regulate the quality and quantity of the vehicle's emissions.
The first component in the chain, the exhaust manifold, consists of tubes running from the car's cylinders into a single metal structure. This arrangement draws combustion gases out of the cylinders and into the exhaust system. The gases move through pipes to a device called a catalytic converter, which removes additional environmental contaminants, before exiting through the tailpipe.
Oxygen sensors mounted at the exhaust manifold and the catalytic converter take constant readings of the oxygen levels in the exhaust. If they detect too much or too little oxygen for proper engine performance, the car's computer system adjusts engine function to balance the mix.
Exhaust gases can make a great deal of noise as they move through the pipes. To reduce this annoyance, the pipes run through a sound-dampening device called a muffler. Another device called an exhaust resonator tunes the frequencies of the remaining sound.
When to Suspect an Exhaust System Problem
If something goes wrong with your exhaust system, you may hear the sound of the vehicle change. A failing muffler or resonator, for instance, may cause the engine to sound much noisier than usual. Hissing or tapping noises (sometimes accompanied by a gasoline smell) may indicate a leaky exhaust pipe. A scraping noise may result from a partly detached pipe dragging along the ground.
Impaired engine performance can stem from a variety of possible problems, including faulty exhaust components. If you experience a loss of power or a drop in fuel efficiency, your fuel-to-oxygen mix may have fallen out of balance due to a malfunctioning sensor. A damaged exhaust manifold or catalytic converter can also cause these symptoms.
Your car's engine light may alert you to a potential exhaust system problem before you ever notice any physical symptoms of trouble. This light may come on when the oxygen sensors report a fuel mix imbalance that the engine computer can't correct. It may also signal trouble with the catalytic converter.
Why You Need to Address an Exhaust System Malfunction
Minor exhaust system problems can easily escalate into major ones if you don't get them addressed promptly. For instance, an exhaust leak or faulty oxygen sensor can cause the catalytic converter to suffer extensive damage from overheating. This component contains rare metals that make it expensive to replace. Untreated exhaust system imbalances can also damage your engine.
You must also consider the potential health hazards. Exhaust that doesn't get directed away from the engine could easily back up into the cabin, exposing you and your passengers to toxic carbon monoxide fumes.
How Automotive Technicians Find and Fix Exhaust Issues
Automotive technicians can easily diagnose exhaust system issues. Pressure testing can catch any vacuum leaks or other issues that might need fixing. A computer scan can call up specific codes related to exhaust system problems, such as the P0420 and P0430 codes that point to a bad catalytic converter. Replacement of the faulty component usually fixes the exhaust problem.
Letcher Bros. Auto Repair can help you get your car's exhaust system running as it should.
Contact us to schedule vehicle inspection or service.
Phone: 510-724-2335
Address: 636 San Pablo Ave. Pinole, CA 94564