When you first purchase a new car, you may not want to spend any more money on it right away. To keep that vehicle running for years to come, though, you'll have to consider when to bring it into the shop for maintenance. Follow these car maintenance tips to keep your ride in like-new condition.
1. Learn the Ropes
Whether you've been driving for decades or you just passed the driver's test, you'll find that every vehicle comes with quirks and unique features. If you take the time to go through the owner's manual and figure out essential details, you should find driving it and taking care of it a much easier process. However, if you'd rather have a person explain it to you, check with the dealer or the mechanic you plan to use.
Your owner's manual becomes crucial if your car will require specific maintenance in the first weeks or months of driving. Some vehicles need special treatment for a break-in period if they're going to work correctly in the future. You'll also need to become familiar with the symbols your car uses to inform you of problems, which don't necessarily cross over from vehicle to vehicle.
2. Monitor Pressures and Fluid Levels
Your tire pressure is a significant area to give your attention to. If you drive for a while on tires with low pressure, you will likely wear them out faster, make your car more difficult to handle, and use up your gas more quickly. Check your tire pressure regularly, and any time the tire pressure symbol appears on your dashboard, be sure to check it out and reinflate your tires to the appropriate levels.
Additionally, your brake fluid, engine oil, and windshield wiper fluid are crucial to the function of your car, so keep a close eye on them as well. Refill them if the symbols appear on your dashboard, and change the fluids out regularly to maintain your engine's wellness and a continued smooth ride.
3. Wash for Wellness
Though car washes may seem like an occasional luxury, you'll regret ignoring the exterior upkeep when it starts to compromise the integrity of your car. Not only will dirt and debris make your vehicle look worse for the wear, but they eat away at the paint sealer and can allow for rust and corrosion. Wash and wax your new ride regularly to keep it looking - and running - its best.
4. Don't Forget Insurance
You never know what will happen when you're on the road, and your bank account will be much more secure if you have adequate insurance coverage on your new car. Research your options even before you buy, and find the provider that suits you and your driving record. Your new ride will thank you if you can have it fixed right away instead of waiting until your next bonus check.
5. Keep Up With Checkups
The owner's manual, the dealership, or the mechanic you plan to work with can give you ideas of when to bring your car in for routine maintenance, like oil changes, tire rotations, and filter replacements. You'll also need to know when certain parts usually give out, and plan to replace them when that time comes. If you don't keep up with periodic maintenance, you may wind up with more significant damage and a pricey fix.
Does your new car need some work? Or have you been putting off maintenance for a while now?
Letcher Bros. Auto Repair is ready to give your car any tune-ups or fixes necessary to get you roadworthy again. Schedule your appointment today.
Phone: 510-724-2335
Email: letcherbros@gmail.com
Address: 636 San Pablo Ave. Pinole, CA 94564